
Research Labs

Aerosol research has several state-of-the-art laboratories available for performing research in the focal areas of emphasis. Facilities are primarily located in Brauer Hall and Green Hall.

Aerosol Interdisciplinary Research Group

Led by Rajan Chakrabarty, The Chakrabarty Research Group works at the forefront of addressing grand challenges associated with Complex Environmental Systems. Over the years, the group has contributed to addressing the grand challenges associated with radiative forcing by carbonaceous aerosols, pushing the frontiers of fundamental aerosol science and engineering, and researching the environmental determinants of infectious disease transmission and effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical containment strategies.

Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group

Led by Randall Martin, this lab applies satellite observations, global models and in situ measurements to improve understanding about the processes controlling air quality, climate and biogeochemical cycling.

The lab devotes particular attention to emissions and other processes affecting tropospheric ozone and aerosols. Satellite remote sensing is yielding unprecedented insight into global atmospheric composition by observing regions and phenomena that are otherwise difficult to observe.

Atmospheric Science & Engineering Laboratory (ASE)

Led by CASE Director Jian Wang, the broad theme of the ASE lab is to understand key processes that drive the properties, distribution and evolution of aerosols (also known as particulate matter), and to elucidate and quantify the effects of aerosols on air quality, biogeochemical cycle, hydrological cycle and climate. The overall goal is to obtain a predictive understanding of aerosol properties, processes, and effects to address the grand challenge of actionable projection of future climate and environment.

Built Environment Air Quality Group

Led by Jenna Ditto, this group study air pollution exchange across the building envelope. We spend the majority of our lives indoors, so understanding the composition and chemical transformations of the air we breathe indoors is critical for understanding and ultimately mitigating our indoor chemical exposures. We are interested in how outdoor-derived pollution from varied sources enters an indoor space and chemically transforms, as well as how indoor-derived pollution impacts the surrounding outdoor environment. 

Climate and Air quality Nexus (CAN) lab

Led by Lu Xu, this lab focuses on understanding the interplay between climate change and air quality. By employing a multifaceted approach that includes laboratory experiments, field measurements, and instrument development, we aim to establish new benchmarks for coordinated technology development and environmental assessment in the fight against climate change.

Interface Research Group

Led by Elijah Thimsen, the Interface Research Group covers four distinct research areas: (1) nanocrystals and atomic layer deposition (ALD), (2) electron transport in assemblies of nanocrystals, (3) low temperature plasmas for the processing of materials and (4) photovoltaic manufacturing

The Jay Turner Laboratory

The Jay Turner group applies science tools such as monitoring and modeling to air quality planning and management and human exposure. We also work on green engineering including life cycle assessments for processes and products.

The Kumfer Group

Led by Benjamin Kumfer, they study and develop novel combustion technologies to meet our future needs for clean, reliable, and affordable energy.

Lacer Laboratory

Led by Richard Axelbaum, LACER develops novel approaches to reduce emissions from power plants. We have a global view on energy, and try not be get bogged down on what is popular, but rather focus on what we believe has long term impact.

Liang Nano Research Group

Led by Xinhua Liang, they work at the intersection of physics, chemistry, and materials science. Our group uses Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposition (ALD/MLD) to design and synthesize nanostructured materials for various applications including important chemical reactions, energy conversion and storage, and environmental remediation. 

Research Opportunities

Our research laboratories provide various opportunities for students.